Saturday 21 July 2012

Cara Service Lampu Hemat Energi

Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang Cara Service Lampu Hemat Energi.
Persiapan Alat Service Lampu Hemat Energi : 1. Obeng Minus : untuk mencongkel casing lampu 2. Solder. 3. Timah / tenol 4. Multitester / AVO Meter 5. Kabel secukupnya. Cara Service Lampu Hemat Energi :
• Buka Casing Lampu Hemat Energi dengan mencongkelnya menggunakan obeng. • Lepas Neon dari rangkaiannya, kemudian test neon dengan menggunakan Multitester. Ada dua kutub pada neon, ukur masing-masing dengan menggunakan batas ukur OHM Meter x1. Kalau neon masih bagus maka masing-masing jika diukur akan menunjukkan angka sekitar 2-8 ohm. Kalau salah satu kutub / ujung ada yang putus / tidak menunjukkan angka maka berarti neon sudah rusak / putus. Cara mengakali jika neonnya yang putus silahkan baca di bagian bawah. • Kalau neonnya bagus, berarti kerusakan ada di rangkaiannya. Berikut ini beberapa komponen di rangkaian Lampu Hemat energi yang perlu di cek dan diganti kalau rusak : Mengenai cara cek komponen jika belum tahu caranya silahkan baca di Posting Ini.
1. Elco Filter setelah dioda bridge, biasanya melembung, ganti dengan elco 10uF / 350-400 volt 2. Resistor 2,2 - 10 ohm 2 buah ( yang terhubung ke kaki emitor transistor ) 3. Resistor 15 - 20 ohm 2 buah ( yang terhubung ke kaki basis transistor ) 4. Transistor type MJE 13003 : 2 buah 5. Bila semua komponen itu bagus dan lampu masih mati, ganti saja kondensator tantalum 3,9nF - 4nF/1200volt, walaupun kelihatan tidak rusak. kondensator tersebut berfungsi sebagai starter lampu. (kondensator ini langsung terhubung ke salah satu kutub neon. Jika Neonnya yang rusak, dan rangkaian Lampu Hemat Energi nya masih OK berikut ini triknya : 1. Siapkan Neon biasa merk Philips 10-15 watt (harga 6-8 rb) untuk pengganti neon yang rusak. 2. Hubungkan kedua kutub neon dengan rangkaian sesuai dengan gambar di bawah ini. Lampu Hemat Energi dengan neon yang sudah dimodifikasi lebih terang dibandingkan Lampu Hemat Energi yang harga 8 rb-an. Lumayan ngirit, daripada harus beli lampu baru yang harganya sekarang sekitar 30 rb-an. Semoga bermanfaat.

Monday 13 June 2011

Wow, Man also Faking Orgasm

Orgasms are awesome. Both men and women would be happy if their partner could reach orgasm, do not be surprised if many people are willing to pretend for the sake of satisfying their partner climax. However, women were not the sole party which likes to pretend achieve satisfaction in bed. According to one study, men too often.

In a study of more than 200 college students revealed that 25 percent of men and half women say they never fake an orgasm during intercourse. The main reason? They want an immediate end to the sexual relationship without offending partner.

Another study by a team from the University of Kansas shows the results not much different. Of the 180 students and 101 female students revealed that they also had to pretend to a climax.

Most respondents, 28 percent of men and 67 percent female, said they fake an orgasm if there coition (intercourse). Meanwhile, only 10 percent of men and 19 percent of women who never fake an orgasm when sexual intercourse does not involve intercourse.

For the men, the reason they falsified their satisfaction is because they have no other reason to round out the intimate relationship that is being done without awkward. Meanwhile, 54 percent of women say they pretend because they do not want to offend their partner.

People who like to pretend that orgasm, both men and women, in general, already sexually experienced and have an orgasm, either through masturbation or intercourse.

Both men and women were admitted they were equally burdened with the "demands" that should be first woman to reach climax. Most women also said they could reach orgasm, but they chose to pretend to have achieve in the time before and when the male orgasm.

Carol Ellison, sexologists, say, when a sexual relationship is set to achieve the goal, ie, erection, intercourse, and orgasm, it can cause problems. "Having sex is actually successful all the things that can make you satisfied with yourself, in pairs, and something that can strengthen the emotional bond," he said.

Satisfaction orgasm is tremendous, but according to Ellison, a sense of mutual understanding and a strong emotional bond is more important. Therefore, you need to reformat your mind about the purpose of sexual intercourse.

"If the purpose of sexual intercourse was modified to achieve something that is pleasing both parties and find new things to achieve satisfaction, you will learn more about the attitude responsive to the needs of couples," said the author of the book Women's Sexualities: Generations of Women Share Intimate Secrets of Sexual Self-Acceptance (New Harbinger, 2000) this.

Two Kinds of Women Experience Orgasm

Recent studies show experts, each woman was having two different mechanisms or patterns in achieving sexual satisfaction. Scientists at Rutgers University, New Jersey United States, succeeded in mapping the pattern of the Eve orgasm using a scanner to identify the brain regions that were active when experiencing sexual stimulation.

The results show, there are different mechanisms when a woman has climax. One pattern emerged when they fantasize about or having sex without a partner. While other patterns are created when they're having sex with their partner.

As reported by the Daily Mail, the research team led by Barry Komisaruk perform scanning using MRI scans on a number of female volunteers and examine what happens to the women's brains when it reaches a climax.

The results revealed an explosion on 30 areas of the brain activity of women. Among the sections that experienced stimulation is an area of ​​the prefrontal cortex, part of the brain that controls complex control functions such as imagination, desire and decision making.

Another implication is the women's brains also has a different pattern of neural activity when experiencing sexual pleasure, especially when they are alone or when with a partner.

According to researchers, it indicates that women who reach orgasm alone experiencing different things with when he was enjoying the peak of satisfaction with a partner or lover.

"This information can help to find a therapy for women who reach orgasm difficult or impossible to orgasm at all. This research is helpful ways to enjoy better sex," said Kayt Sukel, a volunteer who was involved in research.

While Mr. Komisaruk said: "Orgasm is a special case of the conscious state. If we can find other ways lead to orgasm, we may Dapa understand better how we can use top-down process to control what we feel physically."

Komisaruk The results are different from other studies conducted scientists from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Similar research led by Janniko Georgiadis show, the prefrontal cortex in the inactive state when a woman reaches a climax. But this Dutch study focused only on women who have sex with a partner.

"When you asked someone what it was like an orgasm, they described it as a feeling of loss of control. I think orgasms are not eliminating consciousness, but change it. It is possible there is a difference between someone who tries to make sexual stimulation mentally to those who receive stimulation from a partner," said Mr. Georgiadis.

The experts plan to conduct similar studies in men. However, this study will meet a number of technical challenges, given the number of facts that most men are not much use of her brain during sexual activity, and duration of orgasms they were shorter.

The characteristics of Fake Orgasm

As a man, be proud if they could lead their partner to reach orgasm. Unfortunately, not all women can reach climax during sex and they are often not honest to admit it.

According to a recent survey reported by the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, 85 percent of men said their partner could reach orgasm during intercourse, whereas women who admit to the top only 64 percent. This means, quite a lot of women who pretend to be reaching a climax.

Trigger hard orgasm is diverse, ranging from stress, anxiety, less confident with her body shape, feeling concerned with their sexual performance, lack of sleep, was in a hurry, until the fear of pregnancy. "So natural that sometimes women fake orgasms," says Emily Nagoski, author of Good in Bed Guide to Female Orgasms.

Orgasms are difficult to translate. But the signs of women will "explode" because stimulation actually received could be identified because the stimulation of sexual organs will transmit vibration and response in the body.

So, how to determine whether he's a real orgasm or just pretending? "You can only know from experience," said Jolan Chang, author of The Tao of Love and Sex.

Body's response to intense stimulation of sexual organ really is individualized so that no one who applies the same pattern at all. But in general, he said there were some signs of a woman experiencing the intensity of stimulation that grew stronger until into an "explosion" called a great orgasm.

"Her hands and her stomach will be more warm and at the same time his words become unclear because of her breathing became more rapid. Her body was soft as jelly and a wet tongue," said Chang.

Orgasm is a total response of the body, not just an event in the pelvic and sex organs. When the body releases the pressure rising through the orgasm, the vagina and the uterus will contract rhythmically. In addition, the high sexual vibrations will cause the contraction of facial muscles, legs, or hands.

In addition to the high-flying hours required, to distinguish between fake and genuine orgasm is tricky. Moreover, by mimicking the sexual scene pictures or videos, orgasm expression can be easily imitated.

The real issue is figuring out why the pair faked her orgasms. In addition to emotional closeness factor, women need a partner who understands how to stimulate and which parts he dislikes.

Monday 23 May 2011

Want Couples Passionate? Discover 4 Secrets of His body

What makes a man excited? When is a man happy to make the party? Find out the answer on the following four male secret.

Reported by Glamour, behind her, a man saves a lot of things that you can browse while making love. Here are their secrets:

Secret 1: Prime Time Men for Sex is in the Morning

Sex seems to never be separated from the male brain. They are also ready to make love at any time. But actually there was one time that he likes to have sex with a partner. When it is in the morning, when the hormone testosterone is high.

Tip: To make love to her in the morning, turn on your alarm a few minutes faster than the time you wake up. Prepare yourself for a moment and then wake the he. Your partner will not refuse your offer to do the 'Sports' pleasant morning together.

Secret 2: Two Aroma That Can Arouse passion

Forget your favorite perfume. According to researcher Dr. Alan Hirsch of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, a combination of pumpkin pie and lavender scent can enhance your passion. At least there is increased blood flow approximately 40% to Mr. Happy as he kissed the two aroma.

Tip: Occasionally, it would not hurt you to try pumpkin pie recipe. You can also ordered by a friend who went overseas, pumpkin pie-scented candles. Light the candle and wearing lavender scented lotion. When the second fusion smell that scent, he will wonder why so very excited.

Secret 3: Men Pumped nipples When Touched

For men, the nipple is also one of their sensitive point. When the nipple is touched or inhaled, he can immediately aroused.

Tip: When to give foreplay, use your fingers as if making a circle on her nipples. Do it with a light touch. What is done will stimulate passion. You can also use ice cubes. After making a circle with stones of ice, use your tongue to give him satisfaction.

Secret 4: Do Men Have Hidden Point stimuli

To make passionate, you already know the point where in his body to be touched, such as chest, lips and neck. But now, why not try to touch on the new points. Touch your partner's body parts that had probably forgotten, like behind the knees or ankles. The he was not going to thought it was part can be excited.

Tip: If later you and your partner was making out while watching television, a light touch with his knee. The more gently you touch, will also effect the more erotic.